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Module 4 Question 1

Module 4 Question 1

Q Discussion Topic Parallelism is one of the key identifying factors for Hebrew poetry. Select three verses from one of the Psalms assigned in this module that display different types of parallelism. Identify the type of parallelism in each verse and explain your identification. Offer an assessment of the effectiveness of each example of parallelism.

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Hi Professor & Classmates, The Book of Psalms is a series of poetry, hymns, and prayers that convey the religious thoughts of Jews across history. It is often considered to be the most frequently read and loved of all the Old Testament writings. Due to the obvious wide range of events and attitudes expressed in the psalms, they are difficult to categorize (Old Testaments of Bible, 2020) Surprisingly, Lowth's initial discovery of parallelism in 1753 remains the single certain distinctive method of Hebrew poetry, with minor improvements.